Tuesday, March 6, 2012

I think I found a pulse

"Chivalry is dead. And women killed it" Dave Chappelle

Chivalry is hard to spell man! I messed that word up like three times before spell check was like you are a dumb chick, let me figure this word out and spell it for your dumb tail...my bad I got caught up...where was I.

First of all...Chivalry is Not dead but it is on life support. It's up to women to nurse it back to health since we are the ones that have kicked the life out of it...well not all the life but hell we damn near tried. Men try to be chivalrous, well not All men because some of them are schmucks but this isn't about them. I mean its not much a man can do it we are constantly telling them "I don't need you because I am I-n-d-e-p-e-n-d-e-n-t" or "I can get the door my damn self" or whatever else it is we (yes I said we because I remember when I used to say that garbage) say to try to convince ourselves.

Look, being treated like a lady is nice and nice to see. You don't believe me, look at older couples. Not couples in their 40's or 50's...I'm talking about couples that have been together that long (for 40 or 50 years). This man opens the door for his woman. He pulls her chair out. He makes sure that she is on the inside when they walk down the street (if you don't know what I am talking about...and you have a man...and yall have walked down the street-you might wanna make sure he isn't the beneficiary on your life insurance). This old man treats her like a lady, because she allows him to be the man. It doesn't mean she is weak or less than him; it means she loves herself and recognizes how she should be treated. Having someone open your door doesn't make you less of an Independent woman- besides no one said anything about paying your Electric bill (since being independent means ya pay their own bills).

So here is the plan...we are going to remove chivalry off life support -it's displaying significant signs of life, you know breathing on its own-and send it home today.

Here are some tips you should practice at home to keep it healthy.

* Recognize when you are dealing with a man (and it does take more than having a penis).
* After the shock of discovering you are dealing with a man...ease up on the resistance. Men are usually prepared for this but too must resistance may cause chivalry to break and it's very hard to repair (as you know).
* Chivalry is a two way street. If you want to be treated like a lady...act like one.
* Don't forget to say thank you.

We all need to do our parts with nursing chivalry back to health. If not for us, for future generations.

And I'm out

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