Thursday, May 3, 2012

It's my money! And I want it now!!

I think it’s safe to say that everyone has debt (if you don’t congratulations) which they think about often.  You may think about it when you are paying your bills each month or when you get a threatened phone call from an 866 number. But I would like to say that nothing, nothing can get me to think about my debt until I think about the people that owe me money. Or when I see or talk to the people that owe me money and they telling me about some new shit they just brought. Or some new trip they just went on. Or…oh, oh, oh how they mad because someone owes Them money- say what sucka?

Now I am well aware of the saying, if you can’t afford it then you should loan it out. Weeeeell when I gave the money I was in a position better than what I am right now. It’s like I was a franchise QB then and now I'm Terrell Owens. Man, just gimme my money.

Now I am well aware that some may say, consider that money gone. You didn’t loan it you actually gave it to them. And to them I say, you should punch your kindergarten teacher in the face because L doesn’t sound like G. It don’t…sound it out…I’ll wait. L, L, Loan me said amount. G, G, Give me said amount.  See the difference?

Now I am well aware that some may say, maybe they forgot. Maybe you need to remind them? And to them I say, put your hand up, draw it back, and then slap the shit outta yourself. You never forget where you got money from…because it enables you to remember who & where to return to if you need more. Don’t you know where all the ATM’s are within a 5 mile radius of your house? And I bet you even know the ones that don’t charge a fee or the ones that still shell out $10. Your ass doesn’t need a calendar alert. Man, just gimme my money!

I would also like to note that when I talk about owing money I am not talking about $20 or even $200…I’m talking $500 and up. I’m not venting but rather piggy backing off of something I saw yesterday on a friend’s Facebook status. She noted that why is it, when people pay you back (first let’s say a thank you and give a hand clap because you got your money back) they do so with an attitude? I mean did I have an attitude when I wrote that check out or transferred that money or put that cash in your hand? Man, just gimme my money.

Experiences of the past, 6 years have learned me real good- do not loan or give people money. Just don’t do it! You’ll only cause yourself grief.  I would also like to note that…

I learned back in 2000 to not borrow money from people. Yes about 12 years ago. I asked someone I considered my brother to borrow money; he gave me the money but then he clowned me in front of some people about it.  I remember leaving the gathering, rolling to the ATM, returning and putting the money in his hands. See I have enough clown worthy traits, my brokenness should be left alone.  So I don’t ask for money…if I do it’s a rarity. I will go without or go work the pole but I’m not going to ask anyone for it.

I know at some point you should take the L and say the hell with it and to that I say (say it with me now) Man, gimme my money!!!!!!

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