Sunday, May 6, 2012

"Think like a Man"? Ummm why?

I'd like to first say this isn't a diss of the movie or book, this piece is merely referring to the usage of the phrase, Think Like a Man. 

I've had several conversations with guys over the years and often I've heard this phrase "I wasn't thinking". Is this what we should do? Become mindless zombies? I mean let's be honest, who really "think"? They can't even remember to change the toilet paper roll, put the seat down or wipe down the counter. So how can we deduce they actually think? 

So Yes, you should act like a lady but you should also be *hey, come closer* a lady knows when to shut her mouth. A lady who knows when to bring the bitch out. A lady who knows who she is, what she deserves, and what she will accept (basically her compromises). But thinking like a man, might get you in some trouble.  

Again this is about the phrase-this not about the book or the movie.  

Ladies if you have ever been cheated on, raise your how did you find out? Was it a confession? Did the 'other woman' call you? Or did your man's lack of thinking and your deductive reasoning pretty much clue you in on what was going on? Or did something he say or do make you roll up to his house at 1am to see who was up in dat mudda chucker? Oh it didn't...yeah me either.  

Anyway...I think women should just think like they have some common sense. Or better yet think about their mother...follow me now. Most people believe their mothers deserve someone that will be kind and caring, respectful, decent and good to them. Why should you want anything less (common sense). If your momma had a string of dirtbags, you saw what they did to her and you would pray that a good man would come into her life- why should you be any different (common sense). Demanding respect doesn't make you a bad person, just one w/common sense.  

Look, you are a wonderful person and if you are waiting for someone to pass that on to you then I encourage you to talk to yourself more often. Gitcho ass in the mirror and say "even when imma mess, I still put my vest with a S on my chest- shit I'm a Superwoman!" Or "I am beautiful no matter what they say" Or hell one of Beyonce's, Tina's, India's, Natasha's (love Unwritten), claim your own anthem. 

Know all the words to "I'm every woman" not just "No hands". Adapt an Aretha you want to sing "Natural Woman" when you think about your man or "Do Right Woman"?  

Knowing you are "Superwoman", "Beautiful", or hell every woman doesn't mean be a stuck up bitch, it means that you know enough to validate yourself so you aren't waiting on the curb for the first Slick Dick Willie to smile at you and tell you that. 

Now if that's thinking like a man then I co-sign but to's thinking like you have some common sense. 

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